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Zac Efron on his Struggle with Addiction

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In a recent interview with the Hollywood Reporter, actor Zac Efron opens up about his struggle with chemical dependency.

The actor, best known for rising to fame with High School Musical, said that, “…Going through life in Hollywood…Everything is thrown at you. I was drinking a lot, way too much.” His struggle with the disease of addiction proves that this disease does not discriminate. Efron lamented that as he delved more into his work, he isolated himself from friends and family. It was alcohol and drugs that kept his life going.

Efron has since completed treatment at an undisclosed rehab facility and continues his recovery by attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

“I just started going. And I think it’s changed my life.” he told the Hollywood Reporter. He also continues his journey of sobriety by maintaining a schedule that includes vigorous exercise.

In his recovery from chemical dependency he has also mended relationships with his family, a “reset” that he has welcomed into his life.

Efron continues to thrive professionally with the success of many projects. His most current film, The Neighbors, with Seth Rogen, was completed following his treatment for chemical dependency and has seen much success.

We at New Directions for Women applaud Efron and wish him success in his continued recovery.

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