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Inaugural Women CEO Roundtable in Ashville, NC January 31 – February 2

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We have limited attendance to facilitate the intimate nature of this event. There has been a great response and outpouring of support for this Inaugural Roundtable, and as a result we no longer have space available. To sign up for our Waiting List (in case an attendee is no longer able to make it), please email Billye Shinto-Littman at blittman@newdirectionsforwomen.org or give her a call at 949.313.1192 extension 103. Thank you for understanding.

Please join us Thursday, January 31, 2013 to Saturday, February 2, 2013 at the amazing Grove Park Inn Resort and Spa in beautiful Asheville North Carolina for the Inaugural Women CEO Roundtable Event.  We will be defining our history as females in the addiction treatment field, lead without compromise, practice what we preach, and learn to mentor the future generation of leaders.

Attendees should include women CEOs, Executive Directors, and Entrepreneurs who work in the in the Addiction Treatment field. Our working definition for those who may be included are: women who have the authority to act on behalf of the organization without receiving permission.

Our goal is to bring female leaders from across the nation together so that we can learn from and support each other as female leaders without compromise, create and define our history of female forerunners, define our place in the evolution of the field, address the current workforce crisis, and create a legacy for the future of our field.

This is an opportunity for female leaders in the addiction treatment field to build deeper and more meaningful relationships with each other. It will serve as an initial planning meeting, an opportunity to construct a vital support system, a mentoring workshop, and also provide time to rest and rejuvenate.

We look forward to rejuvenating mind and soul with you over this very special weekend!  For a working agenda, having your questions answered, and information on how to register, please contact Billye Littman at blittman@newdirectionsforwomen.org or by calling  (800) 939-6636 ext. 103.

You can also register by clicking here, and filling out our Registration Form!

Your $250 registration fee includes the entire three day conference, and all scheduled meals and meetings. Accommodations are available to you at a nicely discounted rate, and a variety of spa options are available to you at their regular rates. Please be sure to  make your travel arrangements early to get the best rates.


For your accommodations, our group has secured a set of tiered hotel room rates:

Rooms at the world famous Grove Park Inn in Ashville, North Carolina are offered to our attendees at a discounted rate of $199/night,  plus all fees and taxes.  As an attendee you also have the option to select  and guarantee a Mountain View Room with your own private view of the magical Smokey Mountains, at the rate of $229/night, plus all fees and taxes.

Please call the Grove Park Inn directly at 800-438-5800 to secure your room, and mention your group code: GRP1005079. All reservations must be made prior to December 17, 2012.

Please make your Spa appointments between 10am and 2pm on Friday, February 1, 2013 as we have set that time aside to be together with eachother at the Spa. Call (800) 438-5800 for your appointment, and visit https://www.groveparkinn.com/the-spa to review the list of available treatments. If you choose to not purchase a treatment, you may purchase a Spa Day Pass.

We have limited attendance to facilitate the intimate nature of this event. There has been a great response and outpouring of support for this Inaugural Roundtable, and as a result we no longer have space available for attendees. To sign up for our Waiting List (in case an attendee is no longer able to make it), please email Billye Shinto-Littman at blittman@newdirectionsforwomen.org or give her a call at 949.313.1192 extension 103.

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