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West Coast Drug Program

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What can you find when attending a West Coast drug program? 

The person struggling with addiction will find a program that provides help and hope; something that they may find has been missing from their life. While drug addiction affects millions of people across the world; we have found that a great number of those addicted are right here in the West Coast. Orange County has some of the highest DUI rates in the country, particularly in Huntington Beach and Newport Beach. Research has indicated that approximately 3 million users have chemical dependency in California. Those afflicted with the disease of addiction should not be stigmatized or shamed. It is important to remember that addiction does not discriminate; drug addiction afflicts the poor and the wealthy, the educated and the uneducated, and can be found in every ethnicity and social class.  

Addiction is a chronic, lifelong disease. The addiction can be terrifying at times because of the inability to control the strong desire for a narcotic or alcohol.  The addict can also find themselves in pain (physical, emotional, and spiritual) from this desire.  It is possible that an addict can quickly lose all touch with reality and forget those that they care about the most. Drug addictions can lead to a life of ruin but those who are courageous enough to reach out for help, possibly at a residential treatment center on the West Coast can turn things around and take the steps towards lifelong recovery.

Treatment Centers Work

Drug addiction is one of the most common problems facing men and women in the United States, and millions of people are afflicted. Addiction to cocaine, methamphetamines, marijuana, prescription medications, LSD, MDMA, and heroin are the most common drugs of choice for an addict.  Fortunately, a treatment center like New Directions for Women can provide recovery from any of these addictions. Treatment centers help people who are on a lifelong path towards recovery and wellness. 

What is a treatment center like?

Upon entering a treatment facility in the West Coast, patients will undergo an evaluation. This is a primary step that every individual must take to determine their exact needs. Personal questions will be asked during an evaluation, and while it may be upsetting or shameful to think about some of the topics discussed; it is important that you answer all questions accurately and honestly.  Clinicians help to evaluate the patient for co-occurring disorders, dual diagnosis and any mental or behavioral issues.  This step is oftentimes followed by the detoxification process or detox.  

Typically detox lasts for several days. Depending on the addiction, it can be done with or without medication.  Detox allows time for the patient to stabilize as they rid their body of any harmful drugs that are circulating. Following detox, the patient is guided into a treatment facility.  At a treatment facility, you can find a series of programs and classes, counseling and case management. Once the treatment process has been completed, aftercare is provided for the patient which helps contribute to the success of lifelong recovery. Many treatment programs provide alumni services which help keep men and women on their lifelong recovery journey.

Many addicts need professional help in getting well. Attending a drug rehab helps individuals find success and maintain happy, healthy lives without drugs or alcohol. A West Coast drug program, like New Directions for Women, is ready to help you take the steps towards this future.

New Directions for Women is a treatment facility located in the West Coast (Orange County, California) that offers help to women, pregnant women, women with children and families who desire a similar result. Our caring admissions counselors are available 24/7 to take your call and answer any questions you may have on getting help. Reach us by phone at 800-93-WOMEN. We can help. Stay in the loop with New Directions for Women by connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn

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