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Trinidad and Tobago Secretary General Asks for Government Help for Addiction

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Trinidad and Tobago Secretary General Asks for Government Help for AddictionOne of Trinidad and Tobago’s most outspoken officials raised his voice during the Children’s Phagwa celebrations at the Tunapuna Hindu School. In a statement to reporters in attendance at the celebration, secretary general of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha Sat Maharaj queried the government to help provide funding for organizations that help those who struggle with alcohol addiction. The secretary general advised that there is a strong correlation between alcohol addiction and domestic violence in the country and that help for addiction is needed.

Maharaj believes that through the usage of 12 Step based groups like Alcoholics Anonymous, those that struggle with addiction to alcohol can find recovery and sobriety. He told reporters that the country should “play a more active role through the provision of funding to such organizations,” according to an article in Newsday.

The secretary general said, “I think they deserve help and I think the State should invest some money in them because they are doing a good job.” He continued by highlighting that the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha has been very instrumental in facilitating 12 Step Alcoholics Anonymous meetings by allowing the meetings to take place in their schools and temples.

Maharaj said, “When they are holding meetings, people have been transformed. As a matter of fact, on our radio and television stations, we have special programmes directed at them on how to deal with the abuse of alcohol because it is a problem in our community too. Anything that will assist in holding the homes together I think is worthwhile.”

The secretary general used the community celebration as a podium to spread awareness on the need for help for addiction to all of those in attendance and to everyone across the country.

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