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The Perfect Place for Me: Pregnant Women in Rehab

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New Directions for Women is the oldest women’s treatment center in Orange County. We are one of few treatment centers that offer services to women in any trimester of their pregnancy. Currently, federal protocol mandates that opiated addicted pregnant women must be maintained on a minimal amount of suboxone or methadone. Other than opiate addicted pregnant women we do not offer medication assisted treatment services.

The women we serve often speak happily about their experience. We have given the opportunity to hear and see the testimony of one of the patients that has come through our facility.

We want to introduce you to Lindsey M. The video and transcription is below. Watch, read, and enjoy.

Hi, my name’s Lindsay. I am from Columbus, Indiana. I am five months pregnant and I have 69 days clean today.

When I found out I was pregnant I wanted to automatically get clean.  I wanted to get clean prior to that but I couldn’t because of withdrawals.  When I was looking for a rehab it took me about a month and a half to find a place.

And so all the treatment centers I found that have residential for pregnant women are in California.  So I flew from Indiana all the way to California to get treatment and I am really glad I did.  I have a doctor that I go to that prescribes me Subutex because prescribing to pregnant women is a very high liability.  So when I go back home I’m going to be flying back out here every three months to see him so he can continue with my treatment.

Question: What did you think treatment was going to be like and then what did it actually turn out to be like?

Well, I decided I wanted to come to treatment. I was really scared.  I thought it was going to be like boot camp and I just thought it was going to be completely awful.  But what they did is first they sent me to the hospitals. I detoxed there and I had people watch me so I was a lot more comfortable.  And then when I got here all the women were really, really, really nice.  And the food’s really good.  There’s a lady that cooks for us. It’s really comfortable.

Then you get to go to meetings outside.  And then after a while you can go on passes.  You can go out with your sponsor; you can go out by yourself.  So they make it really comfortable so you’re not just like locked in a cage.  That was one thing that I was really scared about, and not now.

Question: Now what’s it like being pregnant and in treatment?  What’s it like being in a women’s only facility?

At first I was really nervous but then when I got here I realized how women really relate to each other and like they’re the ones that can help you, and they understand.  I was embarrassed to come to treatment really because I was pregnant and I couldn’t stop using.  That was really, really embarrassing for me. But then when I got here and all the other women here, hearing their stories and how they used their pregnancy it made me feel better and I’m glad that I made the right decision to come to treatment. If I could do it all over again I would and this is where I would come.

Question: Do you maybe have any messages  for all of the women out there and all of the people who are looking for a rehab, that there is hope and that there is a place for them to go?

Yeah.  Keep looking.  You will find places, and this place has been perfect for me.  I haven’t had one complaint from any other women here with me.

If you know a woman, pregnant woman, or family needs treatment contact us at TwitterFacebookLinkedIn, or simply by phone at 800-93-WOMEN. Our caring Admissions Counselors are happy to serve and offer resources that fit your needs.

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