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Relationships – The Building Blocks of Recovery

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Marriage and Family therapists (MFT’s) play a pivotal role in recovery. One misconception around recovery is that the addict is the only one in need of professional help. We know that families and familial relationships are also affected by addiction. Often times the family needs therapy to assist the process of recovery. New Directions for Women is a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center which includes a family program so that the patient and her family can work together on their recovery journey.

Annually hundreds of Marriage and Family therapists gather to discuss new methods for therapy and treatment at the CAMFT Conference. Since New Directions for Women carries the noble mission of “transforming women, families and their children one day at a time,” we made it a point to be at this conference. As a gender-specific treatment center every resource has the potential to contribute to our goal of restoring the lives of women who suffer from the shackles of addiction.

This year’s conference, in San Francisco California, hosted more than 200 Marriage and Family therapists. Ottis Johnson, Clinical Outreach Representative for New Directions for Women, made sure to create as many connections as possible, continuing to reinforce the reality that treatment centers and MFT must work hand in hand to rehabilitate the addict and his or her family.

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