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Quality Time with the Spearheading Founding Family of New Directions for Women

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Quality Time with the Spearheading Founding Family of New Directions for Women
The Bench commemorating the life of Pamela Wilder at the entrance to New Directions for Women

There is nothing more refreshing than a visit from a founding family of New Directions for Women. On Tuesday, March 15, 2011, Becky joyfully welcomed Lynwood James Wilder Jr, – founder Pamela Wilder’s husband – Lynwood James Wilder III, his wife Elizabeth, and their baby son “Woods” Wilder. The family is vacationing in California from Boston and it was wonderful as always to see them. Lynwood James Wilder Jr. is still very involved in the vision and expansion of New Directions for Women as is his son, Lynwood James Wilder III, who serves as the treasurer of the Board for the NDFW Foundation.

Since Lynwood Jr. still lives locally Becky often takes advantage of every opportunity to meet with him. Becky, however, rarely has the opportunity to see the rest of the Wilders in person. Becky joyfully celebrated the fact that Lynwood III and his wife brought the newest addition to their family to new Directions for Women as they vacationed in California. Lynwood III and his wife Elizabeth gave birth to a baby boy whose name is Lynwood James Wilder IV. This family maintains a legacy and the vision of Pamela Wilder. The Wilder family is a true example of what we know at New Directions: if a mother receives the glories of sobriety, the whole family and subsequent generations will flourish as an outcome.

The Wilder family enjoyed a tour of New Directions for Women which culminated with the three generations of Wilder men taking a picture on the Pamela Wilder bench, just under Pamela’s picture, while Elizabeth and Becky looked on with proud faces. It is obvious that this family is passionate about the mission and vision of New Directions for Women, just as our other two founding families: the Zink and the Schoen family are.

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