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Long-Term Drug Rehab

Choosing a Long-Term Drug Rehab Program

long-term drug rehabWhen it comes to choosing a 90-day addiction treatment program, there are many things to consider. You will want to analyze the specific substance used and your addiction’s severity, the best type of long-term drug rehab program, the price, and your insurance coverage. 90-day addiction treatment programs for women can provide a solid foundation for recovery. Long term drug rehab does not have to be expensive. Here at New Directions for Women, our admissions specialists can answer all questions about treatment costs and what your insurance plan will cover regarding drug and alcohol addiction treatment.

Listed below is a little more information about our long-term rehab center for women.

Residential vs. Outpatient Treatment 

Many long-term rehab centers are conducted in a residential or inpatient treatment setting. During residential treatment for women’s addiction, clients will live at the facility while interacting with therapists, doctors, and peers. 

Residential treatment facilities provide round the clock supervision and access to medical care. This service level is most appropriate for women who have a severe addiction, co-occurring mental health disorders, risk of suicide, or a history of negative rehab experiences. 

Intensive outpatient programs also provide long-term drug rehab but are usually offered after a residential treatment program has been completed. Usually, outpatient treatment continues for much longer than 90 days to help clients continue their sobriety after rehab. Benefits of outpatient treatment programs are scheduled around the client’s school, work, or home responsibilities. The best candidates for outpatient treatment programs are women with a strong will to recover, a solid, sober support system, a safe and happy living environment, and reliable transportation to the facility.

Identifying the Need for Substance Addiction Treatment

Substance addiction can take many forms, and it is vital to choose a comprehensive addiction treatment facility that can meet specific needs. 90-day addiction treatment programs are best for women who have moderately severe or extended addiction.

The extra time spent at an addiction treatment center will empower women with solid relapse prevention skills. It will also enable teaching methods to manage stress and anxiety without having to go back to using substances. A 90-day addiction treatment program is also best for those with other underlying mental health issues or if the client has a weak support system at home.

Signs for women who can benefit from 90-day addiction treatment include:

  • Using substances in larger amounts or for extended periods than intended
  • Unable to cut down or manage your substance use
  • Encountering strong cravings to use
  • Spending a lot of time seeking and using drugs, along with recovering from the consequences
  • Continuing to use substances regardless of responsibilities like work, school, and home responsibilities
  • Repeatedly using substances despite enduring physical, interpersonal, social, or emotional problems caused by using
  • Regularly using substances in dangerous conditions like while driving
  • Developing a tolerance which will require more frequent doses to experience the same high
  • Enduring withdrawal symptoms when you are trying to quit

Suppose you are a woman who suspects that you may have a substance addiction. In that case, it is crucial to seek a professional evaluation from a therapist for a physician who can diagnose you.

Is Long-Term Drug Rehab Private and Confidential?

All 90-day addiction treatment centers are required by a federal privacy law referred to as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA guarantees that all client information regarding addiction treatment and treatment enrollment must be kept confidential and private. Addiction treatment staff cannot release any information about clients unless they have signed a consent form or in an emergency.

What Happens During Long-Term Drug Rehab?

 commits to a 90-day addiction treatment program, the first step is the intake process. Intake is when the client sits down with a treatment specialist to provide details about their addiction and any co-occurring mental health disorders to formulate a treatment program. During the intake process, the rehab rules are explained, consent forms are completed, and any other necessary paperwork.

In most cases, after the intake process, detox services will begin. The detox process will take a few days and sometimes a few weeks, depending on the substance addiction. A structured medical detox allows clients to flush the substances used safely and comfortably from their body under medical supervision.

Once detox is completed, the client will transition into an addiction therapy program for the rehab term’s remainder. Addiction therapy will incorporate various behavioral therapeutic techniques and offer medicated assisted treatment for those clients who require it.

Before a 90-day addiction treatment program is completed, aftercare will also be planned for the client before. A reliable aftercare plan will make all the difference in maintaining long-term sobriety. Various aftercare programs will include sober living homes, outpatient group therapy, individual counseling, 12 step programs, and group meetings. Aftercare is crucial in helping clients clients sober once we have ended, and they’re back out in the world.

Finding the Best Addiction Treatment Center

If you or a loved one struggles with substance addiction, it is crucial to know your options and how rehab works. Start with researching reputable rehab centers and their treatment staff of doctors, therapists, and success rates.

Questions to ask the treatment center of choice include:

  • How to proceed with the intake process after an intervention is staged
  • The detox process and the risks of withdrawal for the substance of choice
  • Differences between their inpatient and outpatient treatment programs
  • What the policy on visitors is
  • Which evidence-based therapies are used
  • Amenities and services that are offered
  • If they offer dual diagnosis treatment
  • If they can sufficiently treat co-occurring mental health disorders
  • Accreditations and licensing the rehab center has
  • Credentials the rehab staff members have

Addiction Treatment Methods

There are multiple forms of addiction treatment programs available across the nation. 90-day addiction treatment focuses on women who have a common goal, obtaining and maintaining sobriety.

These groups help women members support and encourage each other to stay away from drugs and alcohol. The groups will often focus on activities and discussing common problems that the members all share.

Forms of addiction therapy programs include:

  • Individual therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Family sessions
  • Psychoeducational sessions
  • 12-step programs 
  • Group meetings
  • Spiritual meetings
  • Holistic programs

What Happens After Addiction Treatment?

long-term drug rehab

Upon completing an addiction treatment program, the next step is aftercare. During rehab, the treatment staff will work with their clients to develop a customized aftercare plan. This includes continual treatment at an outpatient center where clients can attend group therapy sessions. Individual counseling is also a highly effective form of preventing relapse. Other therapy sessions include 12-step groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are excellent aftercare choices. This allows clients to have a sober support group that rewards good behavior while modeling healthy, sober habits.

Group therapy meetings can be hosted at an inpatient treatment facility, which provides a transition for residential treatment clients to attend meetings. Group meetings are a crucial component for clients that have completed their 90-day addiction treatment program. They make it easier to enter the world without turning back to substances when feeling stressed or anxious. 

Intensive sober living homes are also an excellent aftercare program for clients to maintain their sobriety. They are very beneficial for those who suffer from severe addiction or don’t have a supportive home environment.

The addiction treatment center will usually offer a range of aftercare options, which include:

  • Aftercare
  • Extended care
  • Group therapy
  • Intensive sober living homes

Choose New Directions for Women For Long-Term Drug Rehab

Alcohol or drug addiction is a chronic disease. However, with programs like a 90-day addiction treatment for women, the disease can be treated, which will leave you or your loved one with a healthy and sober life.

Recovery can be obtained only if the woman is willing to submit herself to the different treatments proven to help people in their situation. Centers like New Directions for Women can help with drug and alcohol rehabilitation while helping their clients understand their situation. 

Furthermore, New Directions for Women can also consider the client’s family members, for they know that the addiction’s impact affects not only the addict, but also their entire family.

More often than not, 90-day rehabilitation programs for mothers suffering from alcoholism or using prohibited drugs help find a solution to their addiction problems. The program is quite complete with all the necessary treatments needed by women to fight the addiction. Treatments may include individual therapy, controlled meals, medication, stress management, prevention therapies, case assessment and management, and more.

90-day addiction treatment for women requires that the client remains in the facility for the program’s entire duration. This helps find a place that is conducive to recovery. There are times for family therapy, so members can participate in treatments that will promote good bonding. This will greatly help the entire family strengthen their bonds and support one another during even the most difficult times.

At New Directions for Women, we have been transforming lives for years and understand what it takes to make a lasting change. Contact us today for more information on how we can help.

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Clinically Reviewed By:

Picture of Heather Black-Coyne, LMFT, CADC II, Chief Clinical Officer

Heather Black-Coyne, LMFT, CADC II, Chief Clinical Officer

Heather most recently served as the Clinical Director of a gender-specific treatment center in Huntington Beach. She is trained in both Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), which serve the needs of our clients, many of whom have experienced both complex trauma and substance use disorder.

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