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Passing of Mindy McCready

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Passing of Mindy McCready

With the untimely passing of Mindy McCready, the spotlight is being cast once again on another female celebrity with drug and alcohol issues. Whitney Houston, Lindsay Lohan, Demi Moore, the list goes on and on.

Rebecca Flood, the Executive Director/CEO of New Directions for Women, one of the finest treatment programs in our nation is making herself available to discuss this tragic event and why women in ever-increasing numbers are experiencing problems with drugs and alcohol. New Directions for Women is commonly thought of as the first choice among women seeking treatment for these horrific addictions and Ms. Flood is nationally recognized as one of the most articulate and respected leaders in the drug and alcohol treatment field. She can add much needed insight, knowledge and expertise to the conversation about this acute problem. Please contact us at 949.313.1192 ext. 300 for media inquiries.

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