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Outpatient Rehab in Orange County: Our Approach

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outpatient-rehab-orange-countyCompared with inpatient or residential rehab, outpatient rehab Orange County (or elsewhere for that matter) represents much more of a challenge for the client.

The reason is that they are still embedded in their normal home and work environment, with all the triggers and temptations that can easily produce a relapse.

As a result, residential facilities are still considered the “gold standard” for treatment — but this does not mean outpatient rehab isn’t effective.

Thanks to decades of experience, we’ve been able to develop an outpatient treatment program that allows us to help clients who don’t need a full residential treatment stay, or for whom inpatient treatment is not practical.

The New Directions for Women approach to outpatient rehab is based on the evidence-based Matrix Model. It allows us to help clients no matter where they are in the process of recovery. In fact, some people come to our outpatient treatment straight from an inpatient rehab — though this is by no means required.

How our Evening IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program) works

The Matrix Model which serves as the basis of our Evening Intensive Outpatient Program is designed to take into account that every patient working through recovery is at a unique stage — no two people are alike. The program emphasizes involvement in a 12-steps group as well as family involvement, individual therapy, recovery skills, and of course relapse prevention.

As mentioned previously, one of the program’s major benefits is that people can come into the Outpatient Program wherever they might be in their recovery, whether they are in early recovery or have already been through treatment. It’s been shown scientifically to be effective — the Matrix Model has been shown in studies to help patients achieve personal independence and freedom from addiction.

Outpatient Rehab in Orange County: Our Approach

There are five main components to our program.

First, there are “Early Recovery Groups” which help patients develop the skills needed to establish sobriety and then maintain it in the long term.

Weekly Individual Therapy then helps support and enhance their recovery, as they work with a counselor or therapist one-on-one.

Next, the Family Involvement component of the program helps educate, encourage, and involve the family of the patient (as well as any significant other) while they are going through the process of rehab. This has another benefit as well — it helps break the infamous “generational cycle” seen in substance use disorder.

Finally, there’s Relapse Prevention, which helps address specific issues that need to be worked on so clients can be personally responsible for keeping and sustaining their recovery in the long term.

The Outpatient Program is an evening program, which means that our clients can get treatment while they continue attending school or going to work. It’s a superb choice for those women who’ve already completed a full residential course of treatment and want continuing care, as well as for women who can’t commit to residential treatment because they have obligations during the day, and of course also for women who simply aren’t willing to go into residential treatment.

But we can only help if you contact us — so if you or someone you know needs help, contact NDFW today.

Outpatient rehab in Orange County is the answer to recovery.

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