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Outpatient Drug Treatment for Women

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Outpatient drug treatment for pregnant women is a great option for women who do not have the medical necessity or the resources to be in residential care. An outpatient facility is similar in nature to an inpatient program with the major difference being that the woman is not a resident of the facility but instead comes to the facility for group meetings, case management and therapies. An outpatient treatment program may be more long-term than an inpatient program. At New Directions for Women our Evening Intensive Outpatient Program is designed to accommodate individuals at any stage of recovery without having to take residency at our facility, and is a four month (16 week) program based on the Matrix Model.

Services in Outpatient Treatment

During outpatient treatment the pregnant woman is offered a variety of services that help her recover from her addiction. Some mothers who enter into treatment find that they also struggle with the parenting and motherhood; after all, children don’t come with a manual. At an addiction treatment facility like New Directions for Women, classes on parenting skills and activities to help mothers build their relationships with their children are offered as a part of the curriculum. At New Directions for Women we utilize the 12 Step program, the Matrix Model, Seeking Safety, mindfulness meditation and individual/group therapies. We provide women with the tools necessary to ensure lifelong wellness.

In order to have the most success with an outpatient treatment program it is necessary to have a strong support system. It’s always beneficial for a woman entering into an outpatient treatment program to have family and friends support to help her in her path towards recovery. She can also count on the sisters in sobriety that she meets in the outpatient group as a support system, oftentimes over a lifetime. She will need those that she can count on for support and strength whenever she may need it.

An outpatient treatment program offers education in addition to counseling and therapy resources. This education may include the actual dangers of drugs and drug use, the harm they can do with continued use and methods of maintaining sobriety.

Our Intensive Outpatient program has the same goal as our inpatient treatment facility- we want to ensure that the woman breaks free from the cycle of addiction. We also address any issues that may be surrounding the addiction, such as mental health issues, sexual abuse, or domestic violence. It is only after these issues are addressed that treatment can begin and become successful.

Who should use Outpatient Treatment?

Outpatient treatment is not right for every woman or every situation. This type of treatment is best decided by an addiction treatment professional after completing an assessment. As mentioned above, it is also necessary for a woman considering outpatient treatment to have a strong support system at home.

If you or someone you know is struggling with the disease of addiction and think that outpatient dependency treatment is right for you, New Directions for Women can help.

New Directions for Women is a treatment facility located in California that offers help to women, pregnant women, women with children and families who desire a similar result. Our caring admissions counselors are available 24/7 to take your call and answer any questions you may have on getting help. Reach us by phone at 800-93-WOMEN. We can help.  Stay in the loop with New Directions for Women by connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

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