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Opiate Addiction Treatment

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Opiate Addiction Treatment

You should seek opiate addiction treatment right away if you are one of the many thousands of men or women who are dealing with such an addiction. Opiates, harvested from opium poppies, are synthetic chemicals that bind to the opioid receptors in the human body and create morphine like effects. Heroin, codeine, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone and Morphine are all classified in the category of an opiate.

An addiction to opiates can occur to anyone, regardless of their age or marital status, regardless of their monthly income or status in the world. Every single day men and women are finding themselves addicted to opiates and unable to stop using the drug all the while ruining their life hit after hit, day by day.

Opiates are drugs that have high addiction rates. They can be used only once and an addiction formed. Opiates are available both by prescription as well as in street drugs, either of which has the potential to cause addiction.

Once an addiction has formed, breaking the addiction is one of the hardest things for an addict. The drug can take over a person, both their body and mind, until the only thing they care about is getting high. Those suffering with an opiate addiction often lose those that are closest to them, and lose homes, jobs and more. With care of nothing more than the drug and getting high, opiate addictions turn regular people into those that no one wants to be around.

The physical symptoms of opiate withdrawal are also frightening. Withdrawal symptoms of opiates can be downright painful, with symptoms such as fever, high blood pressure, irritability, vomiting, bleeding nose and flu-like symptoms occurring.

More often than not it takes the help of an addiction treatment center to treat an addiction to opiates and get the addict back on the right road. It is hard to overcome an addiction to opiates, but not impossible. With a desire to get clean and stay clean with the help of a reputable treatment center, anyone can overcome their addiction and find themselves back on the right road once again.

New Directions for Women accepts all women who are dealing with the disease of addiction. For over 30 years we have focused on helping women overcome addictions and live drug free lives. Treatment is the process of eliminating drugs, and the need for those drugs, from your life. Both outpatient and residential treatments are offered at NDFW.

Our programs are usually 90 days in length, however it is not uncommon for women to stay on our campus as long as one year, or longer! Battling an opiate addiction is not easy, so this duration of time can be necessary to fully recover. Opiate addiction treatment is available, and in due time can help anyone regain their life and live it to the fullest,  without drugs or alcohol. New Directions for Women offers the same option to women, children and families who desire a similar result. Know someone who needs treatment (even if they are not a female)? Contact us on TwitterFacebookLinkedIn, or simply by phone at 800-939-6636. We can help.


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