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‘Nurse Jackie’s’ Portrayal of Addiction

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Nurse Jackies Portrayal of AddictionThe final season of Showtime’s’ hit television show “Nurse Jackie” has entered into its final season. This article in the Washington Post, asks whether or not the show is an accurate portrayal of addiction in the medical field.

According to the article, research has found that medical professionals rate of addiction is the same as the rest of the population, proving that the disease of addiction does not discriminate.

A study entitled, “Setting the standard for recovery: Physicians’ Health Programs” found that, “78 percent of 904 doctors who went through a rehab program were drug and al-cohol free during the five years of intensive monitoring that followed and 72 percent continued to practice medicine.” Those medical professionals that used drugs during work hours, like other addicts, were high functioning in their addiction.

The article stated that the only difference between those medical professionals that used drugs and those in the general population that struggle with addiction is that medical professionals are mandated to complete 90 days of inpatient residential treatment at a rehab facility. This type of drug rehab treatment is completed in conjunction with a 5 year aftercare program that includes “monitoring and random drug tests.” Because of this, studies have shown that the recovery rate for the medical professional population exceeds 80 percent.

This information tells us that an extensive aftercare program is imperative to managing this incurable disease. The long-term care of the disease of addiction occurs through-out one’s lifetime.

The accuracy of Nurse Jackie’s portrayal of addiction varies from each person who suffers from addiction. However, the show does enable viewers to have more awareness of this disease. Those that struggle with addiction can be a medical professional, they can be a mother, a sister, or a friend.

If you or someone that you love is struggling with addiction to prescription medication, there is help available. At New Directions for Women we understand that the disease of addiction does not discriminate. We help women, women with their dependent children, and pregnant women in any trimester find lifelong recovery.

New Directions for Women is a treatment facility located in California that offers help to women of all ages, pregnant women in any trimester, and women with children. Founded in 1977, our courageous and visionary founders asked for the help of Newport Beach Junior League members to fulfill their vision of a tranquil home-like facility that would treat women with dignity and respect. Our caring admissions counselors are available 24/7 to take your call and answer any questions you may have on getting help. Reach us by phone at 800-93-WOMEN. We can help. Stay in the loop with New Directions for Women by connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

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