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New Directions for Women and Veterans Healing Initiative

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New Directions for Women and Veterans Healing Initiative
Margaret Stone (2nd from right) with Veterans Healing Initiative, Dan Cronin (far left) with Assistance in Recovery, and NDFW Staff


A reoccurring question for New Directions for Women (NDFW) is: “How can we broaden the group of women that we serve?” We are working diligently to improve quality care, while also trying to reach more women, children, and families that are plagued by the disease of alcohol and drug addiction.

A current and unfortuate dilemma in the United States is how to care for military service veterans returning from duty with addictions, trauma, and/or PTSD, yet are without resources to treat their conditions. Large populations of Veterans, both men and women, continue to suffer because their symptoms and diseases go untreated.

Dan Cronin (Assistance in Recovery) and Margaret Stone (Veterans Healing Initiative) recently toured the New Directions for Women campus. Assistance in Recovery is a behavioral health consulting company with the goal of providing resources for those dealing with addictions and mental illness. The Veterans Healing Initiative is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to providing sponsorship funding for veterans who need treatment for substance abuse and Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD), making treatment possible for many veterans who otherwise would go without care. Margaret Stone continues to be recognized nationally for her passion with the Veteran population.

Both of these non-profit health organizations heard about the life changing work we do for women needing drug and alcohol addiction treatment, and wanted to assess the possibilities for referrals and partnership. After a wonderful tour, we are truly excited about the opportunity to work together with these organizations.

New Directions for Women continually tries to create and develop partnerships that will lead to improved quality care for women, children and their families. We look forward to working with the courageous female veterans returning to the United States, who have serve this country faithfully, and may need assistance healing from addictions, trauma, or PTSD.

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