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The Importance of a Support System in Sobriety

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importance of support group

The journey of recovery is different from person to person. The experience can be a time when you are finally becoming in touch with who you are as an individual. You are exploring the reasons for your addiction and identifying what experiences you may have had that led to your disease. The disease of addiction is one that does not discriminate. Whether you are young, old, rich, or poor, it can affect anyone. One constant that is most helpful when you embark on your journey of lifelong recovery is the value that you will find in having a support system.

Support systems are a group of people that you have around you to offer guidance and encouragement as you find your path to sobriety. Through the use of support systems, you are able to envelop yourself with other individuals who are leading a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes, letting go of those around you that were encouraging your addiction can be a difficult task. By having a support system in recovery, you are building friendships with people who are like minded and oftentimes going through the same thing that you are. Together, you can use the tools that you have learned in treatment and/or your 12 Step fellowship to maintain a healthy life, free from addiction. When you surround yourself with others who are on the same journey, you will be able to concentrate on your sobriety with friends who keep you accountable.

Another benefit of having a strong support system and friends who are also in recovery is that they can be a shoulder to cry on. If you ever feel overwhelmed or are challenged, a friend in recovery from adidction can be the person that you can lean on. These support systems are there to offer you guidance or sometimes they can simply lend an ear. At New Directions for Women we have had over 5,000 women walk through our doors. Our alumnae association is thriving with women who connect all across the country. We have recently opened an office in Philadelphia where we will be hosting alumnae events for women, friends, and family to get together and continue their recovery journey. Our alumnae at New Directions support the ongoing recovery of new members and current patients.

If you are wondering how you can build a support system of your own, one of the best places to find others to add to your support system is in a 12 Step group. Twelve Step groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous are great ways to find others that are maintaining their sobriety as well. New Directions for Women hosts a weekly Al-Anon meeting each Wednesday at 11:30 am, and a women’s AA meeting each Wednesday at 12pm; a light lunch is served.

Staying actively involved in your support system is very important in maintaining a happy life in recovery. By utilizing a support system you can ensure that you are surrounding yourself with persons who can be a positive influence on your life. A support system can help with your emotional well being as you live a life of sobriety. New Directions for Women offers a support system with a network of alumnae women who reside all across the country. If you or someone you know would like more information on how to become involved with our alumnae association you can reach our Director of Development at 800-939-6636.

New Directions for Women is a treatment facility located in California that offers help to women, pregnant women, women with children and families who desire a similar result. Our caring admissions counselors are available 24/7 to take your call and answer any questions you may have on getting help. Reach us by phone at 800-93-WOMEN. We can help. Stay in the loop with New Directions for Women by connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

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