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Holiday Party for Women in Recovery

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Holiday Party for Women in Recovery

We invite you to join our Alumnae Holiday Party 2017!
Date: December 14, 2017
Time: 6-8pm
Location: New Directions for Women Campus

As we’ve mentioned time and time again, women’s recovery is a community healing process. It takes all of us to finally break the horrible hereditary cycle of addiction amongst our women and children, and we have to do it one family at a time. It’s why we’ve built New Directions for Women to be a community experience from the ground up. Whether you’re looking for drug and alcohol rehab in Orange County, the East Coast, or anywhere else in the US, we have graduates from New Directions all across the country who are eager to help you on your journey to success. Our women who have gone through our program and recovered are part of our family forever, and we encourage lifelong connections between sisters who found each other in recovery. It was the inspiration for our Sisters in Sobriety program, where we connect current and former NDFW women together to help them take care of one another and encourage lifelong sobriety and success in each other. If you’re a former alumna of NDFW, or a new member of our family, we deeply encourage you to take part in this life-lasting experience.

We can’t stress enough the importance of our Alumnae and children in residence https://www.newdirectionsforwomen.org/alumnae/, who have metamorphosed not only to change their own life direction, but who continue to support and encourage others to do the same for themselves. It’s through intergenerational, community love and support that we will finally overcome this terrible disease. Each year, we host an Alumnae gathering to celebrate our graduates, our children, our current women in recovery, and the future of sobriety we all look forward to! All of our graduates know the importance of local, community-centric recovery and care because they’ve used it to revolutionize and transform their lives! We encourage you to visit your old home again for this amazing event, show your support for New Directions, and give your love to our current women in care.

Drug Rehab Alcohol Use

One of the most important tenants we can establish with our women in rehab is that you shouldn’t be depending on any substance. Women, after they complete drug rehab, often let themselves enjoy too much sugar or caffeine, especially during the holidays. We’ve seen too often the consequences of women replacing their former drug use with other substances that do nothing but pollute their body. We know that can be especially difficult during the holidays, and encourage you to be aware of any holiday triggers.

At New Directions for Women, we encourage healthier alternatives to all of life’s daily addictions. Rather than a cup of coffee, mixed with sugar and milk until it is practically hot ice cream, why not try some healthy herbal tea and organic honey? Doesn’t a fresh chicken salad with seasonal berries and crisp, dark greens sound better than greasy drive-thru sandwich? Living the healthy, organic way isn’t just better for you—it’s easier. Imagine waking up every day with more energy, being more productive, without the looming substance dependency constantly nagging you to swing by a coffee shop when you’re already running late to work. Imagine coming straight home after work, relaxing by the fire with cup of green tea and a good book.

If you’re hosting a party and want to reduce the use of substances, or cater for friends and family who may be in recovery, we recommend the following simple tips:

  • Offer non-alcohol beverages, such as store-bought non-alcoholic eggnog or hot and cold apple ciders.
  • Spend the budget you’d normally have put into alcohol on more foods, music, and entertainment.
  • Offer rich, hearty foods to help curb cravings for alcoholic beverages.

Friends during the Holidays

We always encourage our alumnae to visit us during the holidays, or to call their Sisters in Sobriety. Many women who enter our program come from backgrounds with deep family issues, and don’t have a home to turn to during the holidays. We always consider our women and children a part of our family for life, and would love to see you if you’re ever nearby. You could even be one of Santa’s little helpers by bringing presents for some of our babies in residence, or small gifts for their mamas. Spreading the holiday cheer and giving back to the community is what New Directions, and our alumnae association, is about. As always, if you or someone you know might be looking to start a journey of recovery we would be happy to help you find your New Direction, just in time for the New Year. Give us a call at the number on the top of this page, or fill out the contact form.

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