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Family Fact Sheet

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Family and significant others play a crucial role throughout the recovery process. When a client completes treatment she will likely return to her relationships a changed person. It is imperative that family and friends understand and support this transformation and the changes in lifestyle that are necessary to maintain recovery. Visits and passes are intended to facilitate this transition and allow time to practice new skills.

Upon admission, all clients will have a 14 day orientation period – no visitation or phone calls are permitted during this time. Special arrangements can be made with the client’s Primary Therapist for communication with children not living on campus.

Multi-Family Group is for family and/or significant others as well as clients (No children under 18 years of age) and is offered every Saturday from 10:00am – 11:30am. Visitation will be allowed after Multi-Family Group until 12:30pm.

For children under the age of 18, visitation is from 2:00pm – 5:00pm on Saturday OR Sunday. Visitation mandated by Social Services may be scheduled by the child’s Social Worker during the week.

Please respect the following guidelines surrounding visiting New Directions for Women:

  • Clients are responsible to fill out a “Visitation Request” form and obtain prior approval by treatment team before any visitors are allowed on campus. A new request form must be filled out each week for approval.
  • All visitors must be pre-approved by The Treatment Team and be noted on the visitors list. NO SURPRISE VISITORS WILL BE PERMITTED ON THE CAMPUS. Only individuals who provide regular, ongoing support will be considered for visitation/passes.
  • Abstinence of any and all mind altering substances during your attendance at any program activity is mandatory.
  • Visitors are allowed only in the main grass area, Founders patio, Founders dining area, and Founders group room.
  • Clients are not permitted to great their visitors or say their goodbyes in the parking lot.
  • Family members must sign in and out in the Founders House and keep a visitor badge on at all times.
  • If you have packages or other items to bring to the client you are visiting, please give them to a Care Coordinator on duty when you sign in. ALL PACKAGES MUST BE SEARCHED BEFORE THEY ARE GIVEN TO THE CLIENTS.
  • No outside food is allowed on campus. This includes any and all candy and sweets. Please do not bring care packages with food. Only sugarless gum is allowed.
  • Any items being brought on campus must be approved. If items need to be dropped of during the week the client must complete an “Item Approval” form and have it approved by her Primary Therapist. Approved items can be dropped off during regular business hours in Founders House.
  • Any packs of cigarettes brought to clients need to be unopened. Opened packs of cigarettes will be returned.
  • Absolutely no visitors in client’s rooms or in Faith House.

Please respect the following guidelines when taking clients on passes:

  • Clients are only eligible for a pass after 14 days of treatment.
  • Clients must have a sponsor pass as their first pass. Sponsor must have a minimum of two (2) years of sobriety and may not be a staff member of NDFW.
  • Passes will be contingent upon attending all program-required functions and following all program rules.
  • Clients are responsible for filling out a “Pass Request” form and attaching a “Daily Planner,” listing what she will be doing while away from NDFW.
  • Passes will only be granted with individuals who have participated in the client’s recovery by attending a minimum of one (1) Family Education and/or Multi-Family Group at least one week prior to desired pass date.
  • Curfew is 10:00pm. – No Exceptions
  • Clients on Primary Phase are eligible for one five (5) hour pass per weekend.
  • Clients on Transitional Phase are eligible for one ten (10) hour pass per weekend. While on a ten (10) hour pass client must attend a 12-Step meeting.
  • Clients who are housemother are eligible for a maximum of two (2) additional hours.
  • Passes are approved with the “Daily Planner” in mind. Deviation is not permitted. Deviating from a pass will result in loss of pass the following week.
  • Clients may not go to the homes of individuals who are known drug or alcohol abusers and may not go to any place where alcohol or drugs are being used.
  • Passes with graduates of NDFW must currently be attending Aftercare Group a minimum of two (2) times per month and have a minimum of three (3) months of current sobriety.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

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