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Drum Circle

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drum circle

At New Directions for Women we offer a variety of experiential therapies that our patients participate in daily. The types of therapies offered range from kayaking in the Newport Beach Aquatic Center, equine therapy here in Southern California, yoga on our tranquil campus, and gardening in our rose, herb, and plant gardens. One type of experiential therapy that has been beneficial to the women who come through New Directions is participating in a drum circle. Our women participate in this type of therapy both in group settings and can set up one-on-one sessions with our drum circle facilitator should they choose to. There are many benefits to this type of therapy. Drum Circle allows women to feel a sense of kinship and community to the organization that they are participating in. It also allows women to engage in emotional healing. Through their participation they can process anger they may be holding on to. The therapeutic significance that drum circle provides has proven to be invaluable to many of the women in drug and alcohol addiction treatment at New Directions for Women.

During the group drum circle session, our patients come together in a circle. Our Native American Spiritual Healer, Sparrow, leads our women through a series of drumming that occurs in phases. The first phase allows our women to keep time to a rhythm which allows them to become in tune with their bodies, mind, and spirit. It is during this part of the drum circle that women can let go of any emotions they may be harboring. It also teaches them team building skills as the women learn to work together to keep in time with the instruments. The second part of the session is when the women are allowed to have free range of how they would like to participate. This part of drum circle allows women to play their drum in any way that they see fit. Our patients engage in this free form of expression enthusiastically. It allows them to process any anger, or meditate. The third and final part of drum circle is when the women drum for affirmation. This part of drum circle asks, “What do you want for your life?” During this time, the women keep to a rhythm that will allow them to find a connection to themselves that will help to establish new thoughts. This mindfulness could be finding healthy relationships, freedom, safety, power, or creativity.

When our women participate in drum circle they can utilize this type of therapy in a variety of ways. The benefits that our patients experience differ from person to person but all are helpful. For some, this type of therapy means they are letting go of old habits, for others it is used as a type of meditation. This experiential therapy helps in overall mental health and well being. It provides awareness, and insight while reducing stress. New Directions for Women is committed to our patients’ spiritual growth and happiness. The combination of this body-sensory-mind exercise supports the dynamic growth and change of New Directions programs.

New Directions for Women is a treatment facility located in California that offers help to women, pregnant women, women with children and families who desire a similar result. Our caring admissions counselors are available 24/7 to take your call and answer any questions you may have on getting help. Reach us by phone at 800-93-WOMEN. We can help. Stay in the loop with New Directions for Women by connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

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