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Drug Rehab Orange County for Addiction

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Our detoxification and rehabilitation model is grounded in Alcoholics Anonymous’ Twelve Steps. At the same time, our Orange County rehab facility is a women’s only program that is oriented towards meeting the specific needs of this community – including women with families and children. We can offer several levels of care as they recover from chemical dependencies. 

We take a holistic, culturally relevant, and gender-separated approach for a number of reasons. In our experience, chemical dependency is usually also linked to co-occurring disorders like trauma, mental health problems, family dysfunction, and sex addiction. We also treat and address those disorders.

Why Women’s Only Rehab Facilities in Orange County?

Colorful butterfly is laying on a woman's handWhy would you want a women-only facility for addiction rehab? 

Because until the early 1990s, most research on substance use disorders focused on men. That changed when U.S. agencies required federally funded studies to include more women. Since at that time, researchers have learned that there are important gender differences in some types of addiction.

Although men are more likely than women to become substance-dependent, women face tougher challenges. These include:

  • Moving more quickly from using an addictive substance to dependence (known as telescoping)
  • Developing medical and social consequences of addiction quicker than men
  • Having a harder time quitting addictive substances
  • Being more vulnerable to relapse

These gender differences can affect treatment. But because most treatment programs were designed based on research on men, research on outcomes for women needs more study. This is where alternative therapies can become effective. 

Drug Abuse in Orange County

0 %
of all opioid-related overdoses were due to prescription opioids (ex: Oxycontin)
Women are between
0 x
more likely than males to overdose on prescription drugs
Drug/alcohol overdoses, or poisonings, resulted in over
hospitalizations and
deaths in Orange County

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) in Women

Women develop AUD quicker than men. Problems such as brain atrophy or liver damage occur more rapidly in women. There are biological factors that make women more susceptible to the effects of alcohol than men such as:

  • Women tending to weigh less than men.
  • A woman’s body containing less water and more fatty tissue than a man’s. Fat retains alcohol and water dilutes it.
  • Women having lower levels of two enzymes that break down alcohol in the stomach and liver. This results in a woman absorbing more alcohol in the bloodstream.

A federal study found that women-only treatment programs are no more effective than mixed-gender programs. However, for some women who may have a history of trauma, abuse, or other psychiatric disorders, a gender-specific program may be necessary for recovery.

Stimulants, Opioids, and Marijuana Addiction in Women


Women report their first use of cocaine at younger ages than men. They develop a dependence quicker and are more likely to relapse after quitting. Hormonal changes may increase cocaine cravings during certain times in the menstrual cycle. Early evidence also shows that women experience more intense craving than men do when exposed to triggers that remind them of cocaine.


Women are more likely to get prescriptions for opioids than men. This is because they are more prone to have chronic pain from conditions like fibromyalgia. They are also more likely than men to visit emergency rooms due to opioid abuse, which suggests that they have more medical consequences from using opioids.


Men are almost three times more likely to report smoking marijuana daily. Early research suggests that women might experience more negative medical effects and progress to dependence more quickly. But so far, the only agreement is that more research is needed about gender differences in marijuana use.

Our Main Services at our Drug Addiction Rehab Orange County

We are a non-profit facility and offer a surprising array of services, from group and individual therapy to experiential therapies like rock climbing. This is surprising to many people, but our belief in a holistic approach to treatment demands that we address an individual’s body, mind, and spirit.

Yoga at New Directions for WomenHolistic Therapy at New Directions

Holistic therapy used to be considered a “fringe” therapy for people with substance use disorder. But there has been growing research that shows the healing benefits of these programs. Modern addiction treatment is more diverse with some rehab facilities in Orange County offering alternative therapies alongside the more traditional medical and clinical therapies.

Substance use disorder is a complicated disease that affects the mind, body, and spirit. It often forms a sharp separation between these parts of the individual. However, successful recovery from drugs and alcohol dependence depends on strengthening the connections between mind, body, and spirit.

This is how holistic therapies that treat individuals as a whole person, as compared to a body needing medication or a mind needing therapy. Holistic treatment strengthens the mind-body-spirit connection that is necessary to becoming a happy, healthy, and complete individual.

Individual and Group Therapies in our Rehab Orange County

Our clients take part in daily interactive process groups with their peers and primary therapist. These groups give them a chance to address their issues as well as a way to learn new habits for living and functioning. Besides process groups and individual therapeutic sessions, we also have special psychoeducational groups which touch on:

  • communication
  • relapse prevention
  • anger and grief management
  • life skills workshops that help facilitate growth

One on one therapy at New Directions for WomenTrauma Therapy for Addiction

Since many clients come to us with trauma issues, their primary therapist is able to help them explore past traumas and possible factors that are contributing to their addiction. It’s our goal for this assistance to help clients have a challenging but of course safe experience, one where they can healthily connect with their own feelings.

Concurrent Medical Issues Program for Addiction

We are a residential recovery program operating on a social model and encourage our clients to use in-community services to help learn effective ways of caring for themselves. On staff are addiction specialists like a consulting medical doctor as well as additional care partners who help handle chiropractic, psychiatric, dental, and medical issues. 

There are also state-of-the-art medical facilities that are readily available – we give our women choices. We believe it’s healthy for clients to start making choices, researching, and choosing what their particular wraparound services should be.

Experiential Therapy for Addiction

Our clients enjoy many different opportunities — hiking, rock climbing, and more. The goal is to give our clients an experiential avenue towards growth and healing while challenging personal limits.

Afterward, clients review and discuss their reactions in therapy. This gives them a new, different forum for them to connect with feelings. The process gives clients the chance to become better aware of how they communicate and improve their communication skills.

Children’s Services

As a women-only rehab facility in Orange County, we understand the importance of meeting children’s special needs. Prenatal alcohol exposure, for example, can cause a wide spectrum of disorders. Assessments that identify children’s learning disabilities, medical and clinical needs, and developmental delays are part of treatment. For children, family, individual, as well as play therapies are included (alongside Mommy and Me bonding time) in program services.

Art room at New Directions for WomenBesides these services, we also offer many different classes oriented toward:

  • meditation
  • yoga
  • art therapy
  • psychodrama
  • exercise
  • spa services


Finally, we coordinate aftercare services to ensure each woman’s individual needs are met. Completing your program is a great achievement. Now, you need to navigate real-life situations and practice what you learned. Some people have the support of family, friends, and employers. But many will have to negotiate the environments and situations that may trigger a relapse if you’re not careful. 

This is where aftercare is important. New Directions has a national support system of women who have successfully continued their quest for lasting recovery. If you leave treatment to live outside Orange County, we can connect you to a “sister in sobriety” that lives in your area and can become your sober support contact.

Why Go to Orange County?

Orange County is considered the Gold Coast of California, with more than 42 miles of coastline and panoramic views that have many claiming it as the “California Riviera.” Orange County, California is said to have been named for the citrus fruit. It was an attempt to promote immigration by suggesting a semi-tropical paradise where anything could grow. 

On July 4, 1904, the Pacific Electric Railway, a trolley that connected Los Angeles with Santa Ana and Newport Beach was completed. This made Orange County an easily reachable weekend retreat for early Hollywood celebrities.

Theme Parks and Sports

These days, Orange County hosts world-famous theme parks such as Disneyland and Knott’s Berry Farm. For sports fans, the California Angels have been thrilling baseball fans in Edison Park since 1966. And the Honda Center is home to the Anaheim Ducks hockey team.

A favorite destination for art lovers is Laguna Beach on the South Coast, where the Festival of the Arts is held each year. In the North, Huntington Beach is known as “Surf City.” It hosts several major surfing competitions, including the U.S. Open of Surfing.

New Directions Rehab Facility in Orange County

If you are a female looking for rehab facilities in Orange County, or you have someone you care about who does, check out New Directions for Women. We have evidence-based and alternative treatment that can get you back on the road to a fulfilling life again. 

We know you never had a goal to be substance dependent. Let us help you reach your goals. Contact us today. Trust the people who are dedicated to working with women only.






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