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Drug Addiction Escalating in Nepal

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drug addiction nepal

It is frequently said that the disease of addiction does not discriminate.  Addiction can afflict young, old, rich, or poor.  According to this article (article no longer available) in Aljazeera, the number of people addicted to drugs is increasing in Kathmandu, Nepal.  The article states that the Nepalese government is frequently to blame by the citizens of Nepal as fewer and fewer jobs are being provided with limited access to education.

The country boasts cheap access to marijuana because it is here in Nepal that marijuana plants can be found growing in the wild.  Many people who live in Nepal become addicted to drugs because they are inexpensive and there is no government consequence.  Some people in Nepal have taken to trafficking drugs from countries that border Nepal.  Because of the frequent use and access to wild growing marijuana, the Nepalese government made the sale of marijuana products illegal.  This ban helped the country with its usage of marijuana but the use of street drugs like heroin has become more prevalent.

The price of heroin continues to rise in Nepal.  As this price increases, users are injecting what is known as the “Nepali Cocktail.”  This mixture of hard drugs is sent straight into the bloodstream or oftentimes injected into the groin area of an individual.

Unfortunately, those that struggle with the disease of addiction have limited means of maintaining a job, nor do they have any support from the government.  Many of the Nepali people will turn to drug dealing to survive.  At present, there is limited access to residential treatment.

New Directions for Women is a treatment facility located in California that offers help to women, pregnant women, and women with children.  Founded in 1977, our courageous and visionary founders asked for the help of Newport Beach Junior League members to fulfill their vision of a tranquil home-like facility that would treat women with dignity and respect.  New Directions for Women accepts international patients.  Our caring admissions counselors are available 24/7 to take your call and answer any questions you may have on getting help. Reach us by phone at 800-93-WOMEN. We can help. Stay in the loop with New Directions for Women by connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.


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