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Discussing Women’s Treatment in Northern California with Friends

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Discussing Women's Treatment in Northern California with Friends
Hands Sculpture at CAMP Recovery Center in Northern California

One of the things we celebrate at New Directions for Women is an outstanding Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director. Becky Flood continues to give her passion and time to the treatment field. She always comes back with new stories about how rehab centers meet the needs of their patients. She also appreciates art and fellowship. In the picture above, Becky went to visit CAMP Recovery Center in the Northern Bay of California. While visiting she noticed a beautiful sculpture of bronze hands with a corner stone with the Serenity Prayer.

While Becky was visiting the recovery center in Northern California, she stopped to visit Dr. Fran DiDomenicis who specializes in Mindfulness Mediation. Dr. Fran and Becky (shown below) shared a meal and discussed how meditation and rehab work together to help women, children, and their families to get well. At New Directions for Women we continue to believe that our luxury rehab center for women in recovery will transform lives. Whether in Costa Mesa or Northern California, outpatient or inpatient rehab, New Directions for Women opens its doors to women seeking recovery.

If you know a woman or family needs treatment contact us at Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or simply by phone at 800-939-6636. Our caring Admissions Counselors are happy to serve and offer resources that fit your needs.

Discussing Women's Treatment in Northern California with Friends
Becky Flood (NDFW CEO and Executive Director) and Dr. Fran DiDomenicis (Mindfulness Meditation Expert)


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