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Circle of Life Breakfast 2019 | Gina Tabrizy does the Ask

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I better watch out because I think you might be my boss in a few years, Salia! Is there anything more precious than the wonder and joy of a child, and the miracle of giving them a chance at life, restoring their faith in their mothers and in living? You can see that with Brittany and Jackson, Miranda and Miles, and Jaana and Salia.

I am asking you to make a donation today. This morning our goal is to raise enough money to give partial scholarships to the 90% of our patients that need that help this year. We’ve done the math, and each woman receives an average of $2,250 each month in partial scholarship funding, some receiving more than that. There are 400 people in this room having Breakfast with us this morning. And, there is a very generous family here, committed to matching every contribution dollar for dollar. If we all give $562, we can do that. We can keep every each woman that needs a partial scholarship to get their life-saving treatment services, over the next year. Your gifts would help 200 women transform their lives forever.

Now that I have your attention, let me tell you who I am and why I’m up here. I’m Gina Tabrizy. You may know me from other circles and I’ve been a part of the New Directions family for fifteen years, doing psychodrama, therapy, and trainings.

I would drive up here every other Wednesday to lead the Psychodrama group. There was just a spiritual vortex that led me here, even on Wednesdays that I didn’t have my group. It’s our Founders’ continuing to guide us, and it comes through in so many ways, including the hundreds of butterflies that fly around our campus. I always felt so at home when I was at New Directions for Women, and I had never felt that anywhere. When the time came that I could take on a bigger role, the Chief Clinical Officer, it just made sense to me. God opened those doors so I could be here.

Our Founders were leaders by example. They put their money where their mouth was. Faith in particular taught us how to make a “No Matter What” commitment. To directly honor, celebrate, and remember Faith Strong, we are going to make our pledges, “no matter what”. In a couple moments, I am going to ask Table Captains to pass out the pledge cards on your tables. Remember, if you’re able to give $562 alongside your fellow guests, along with our generous match on all contributions, that’s 200 women served next year. Of course, if you have the ability to make a larger gift, please give what is in your heart.

One of our patients is here today whose baby was born on our campus two weeks ago, and were it not for this funding I’m asking for, that child would have been born in an unsafe environment. Once you get a woman into treatment, there is such a small window of opportunity that you have to try and engage that patient in accepting their own recovery. For these women, it’s not just their life, but the life of their children that will be impacted if we can’t serve them with everything they need. Not just for 30 days, but for 90 days, or whatever it is they clinically need based on the severity of their illness.

We all know the longer their treatment stay, the better their outcome for long-term sobriety. This funding would support a woman who has to leave because of finances who’s not ready to leave. Or, a woman who’s afraid to come in because she doesn’t have the ability to stay beyond what her insurance dictates.

I am standing up here with three women that I had the pleasure and privilege of watching their early journeys into recovery, and to see the joy, the beauty, the success, and the amazing children that they’re raising, I am almost speechless. There is no better gift than that. These children don’t have to go through what their parents did. They’ve spared them that that heartache.

I am not a person that ever asks for anything. For me to ask you to give is a big deal. I believe in this so strongly. Many of my colleagues and peers are out there in the audience, and those that know me know that it means everything for me to be standing up here asking you for a gift. I couldn’t do it, if I didn’t believe in this work, this vision, this leadership, and the foundation of New Directions for Women, 110%.

I am a Table Captain myself along with my husband Farid. So we’re not only asking, we’re giving. In fact, 100% of employees at New Directions for Women have given from their own paychecks, giving what we all could. From the 24/7 staff – the CC’s, to the CEO’s, we all participated. Don’t be left out. Table Captains, go ahead and pass out those envelopes on the purple plate. Every single person in every seat, we want you to fill out a card so we can include you in future events, campaigns, tours, as referral sources, building a relationship with you. There are opportunities to give your time, your talent, and your treasure.

Please do what you can. Honor Faith, and her “no matter what” commitment. On your pledge card, you have the opportunity to make a multi-year pledge, giving hope to women that haven’t even dreamed they will one day get sober. You matter to every woman, mother and child that crosses our threshold. Give now.

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