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Circle of Life Breakfast 2018 | Salia W

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When I came to New Directions with my Mom I was only 2, so I don’t remember what it was like before then. What I do remember is some of the fun times I had there. I knew every woman’s name, and they knew mine. I got to have my 3rd birthday party here and the Chef made me a special cake, and everyone sang to me. My mom always took me to the Back Bay to walk and took me to the YMCA for swim lessons. I also learned how to write my name with Miss Cheri when I was only 2 and made a lot of friends whose moms lived there too.

A few months ago, I went back with my mom to volunteer and teach the children meditation which was a cool experience. We taught them how to sit still like a frog, and stay put.

I have found interest in meditation because my mom is able to be present and teach me different ways to stay calm, identify my emotions, and express myself. It helps to be aware hear the noises around me. When I get upset or mad, I know to go outside and breathe. This is something I am hoping to continue to share with other children.

I know how important is to help other people. When I grow up I want to be an art teacher and teach art to the women at New Directions maybe one day.

I love that New Directions helps girls not do bad things, and stay off drugs and all that bad stuff, and helps them get sober. My mom always tells me that children are some of the most resilient people and that because of the experience I have of having a family that walks a path of sobriety, I am able and have a responsibility to help others. Without New Directions, my mom and me wouldn’t be who we are. I think you should make a donation today if possible. Every child should have an opportunity to have a mother that is healthy and that child should also be given a chance to rewrite their story. Thank you so much for your time and thank you new directions for giving me a life I love.

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