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Boston Teens Attend Recovery High School

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Boston Teens Attend Recovery High SchoolIn an article in the Boston Globe, teenager Brendan Griffin recounts the moments when he hit rock bottom in his addiction. At the age of 14, Griffin began to use marijuana. Soon after, the high school athlete began drinking alcohol and using prescription pills. The teen said that he, “was drinking in the shower every morning. [He] cut everyone in [his] life. [His] goal was to get high, to get out of [himself.]”

Griffin’s struggle with addiction to alcohol and drugs was causing harm to not only himself but to the people in his life that he loved. He began to steal from them just to “get through the days.” His addiction spiraled out of control and he could not stop using. It was when he hit rock bottom that his parents found him help. This help was in the form of a wilderness addiction treatment rehab in Utah. Griffin has now celebrates 14 months of continued sobriety.

Integrating back into his normal high school was not an option for Brendan. His struggle with addiction put him and his family through so much and the only way to utilize the tools that he learned while in treatment was to be around others who understand the disease of addiction. Fortunately for Brendan there is a high school in downtown Boston that helps teens who are in recovery—a recovery high school. The William J. Ostiguy High School educates teens in recovery with history lessons, and SAT prep. They also provided a sober environment which is crucial to those in recovery. The high school has regular counseling sessions, and administers regular drug testing.

The recovery high school is “operated by Action for Boston Community Development, in partnership with the Gavin Foundation, the stellar addiction services operation in South Boston.” At any given time, they have as many as 35 students enrolled who come to them from all across the country.
Ostiguy offers guidance and support to teens in their sobriety journey. This year Brendan Griffin will graduate from high school. He has dreams of becoming an addiction counselor so that he can help others who struggle with the disease of addiction.

Brendan’s story is inspirational and shows that the disease of addiction does not discriminate. Young, old, rich, or poor. Anyone can be afflicted with this disease. High school’s like Ostiguy are a step in the right direction to providing support to the youth that struggle with addiction.

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