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ATCPCC Testimonial – Mike Nolan

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Hello, I’m Mike Nolan.  I am the Vice President of the Addiction and Treatment Division of Alere Toxicology.  I really want to thank New Directions for allowing us to talk a little bit about our laboratory and how we’re impacting some of the various facilities around the country.  So I think first and foremost, one thing to note is that we are, specifically in our Clearwater location, a laboratory dedicated to the addiction and treatment market, and I think that’s important for a number of reasons.

First and foremost we’re dedicated to providing the most appropriate clinical care with the right type of technology that’s going to meet the specific needs of your patients in your facilities.  We know from a medical standpoint that we’re dealing with a very high risk group of patients in recovery, and the fact that we have the proper technology, liquid chromatography mass spectrometry to determine the specitivity in each and every test that we’re able to process at the laboratory, all in all it’s gonna enable better treatment protocols within your programs.

Something we pride ourselves very much on is being forward thinking with everything we do. What we try to do is stay on top of all the new, not only illicit but the synthetic drugs that are on the market as well, but I know that we get a lot of questions about and we have a six-month plan in place where we’re always putting in new method development up at our facility in Richmond that’s specifically designated for that.

And the fact that we specifically deal with this market, and don’t delve into other specialties, allows us to be hyper-focused and concentrated in working in this particular field.  I think another important thing to note is something that we’re continuing to stay on top on is the patient outcomes.  It’s a thing we hear more and more so with some of the changes in healthcare that are going around in our industry in general.  We know as a laboratory that the only empirical data that you can utilize in a patient’s aftercare program or specific monitoring through their various treatment programs whether it be inpatient, outpatient sober living environment comes back to the laboratory and is through urine drug screening.

Well, up ’til now there’s been nothing, no sort of studies, patient profiling, nothing that we can utilize with this sort of empirical data to show the effective outcomes of the various treatment programs.  It’s something that the insurance providers are asking you for at the facility.  It’s something they’ve noted at the laboratory that would be more effective in our long-term goals, and it’s something we are taking great pride in doing research and putting together that so we can show why this is the gold standard in drug testing, why this is appropriate with every patient in every designated therapy within the treatment organizations.

And also to show how effective our technology and how cutting edge we are and committed we are to this industry in comparison to some of the other laboratories out there.  So Alere Toxicology takes a very consultative standpoint in dealing with not just existing, but new treatment centers.  And what I mean by that is that we take you from Point A to Point Z from licensing to what makes the most sense from not just a clinical but a business standpoint and we tailor this approach with each needs because as we know, every facility is distinct, every facility is different, and we wanna be that customized solution for each and every facility.

In closing, I would like to urge each and every one of you to feel free to reach out to me at Alere Toxicology if there’s anything we can do to help and be able to meet your laboratory and drug testing needs.

 [End of Audio]

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