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ATCPCC 2013 – Charles Dorsey on Spirituality and Recovery

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Today we would like to share with you a video from our annual ATCPCC 2013, Addiction Treatment Centers and Professional Consortium. Here in our guest lecture video series is our very own Charles Dorsey, Associate Pastor at Christ Our Redeemer Church, lecturing on Spirituality and Recovery. We have a transcript of the lecture for you to follow:

My name is Charles Dorsey and I serve as an Associate Pastor at Christ Our Redeemer AME Church. I’m an Ordained Minister and I have my Masters in Divinity from the Claremont School of Theology. I also have the privilege of serving in the area of Public Relations at New Directions for Women. Today I’m going to have a brief conversation about spirituality and recovery.

We know that people are searching for answers. They’re searching for something that will help them to overcome the burden of addiction. And so I come to talk about this because typically, there is a divide between whether you want to choose spirituality or recovery.

Well, today we want to offer clarity because we know that spirituality and recovery can work hand in hand and to those who are seeking recovery and who are actively pursuing treatment, we want you to know that spirituality and recovery can work hand in hand.

You are not mandated to choose any specific religion, any specific tradition. In fact, when we look at recovery and the 12 Steps they encourage us and remind us that we’re looking toward a Higher Power. And this is something that we’re proud of at New Directions for Women.

When you pursue treatment at this treatment center, you can choose whatever Higher Power you want. So, if this is something that you find interesting or something that you want for yourself, for your family or for your loved one, we encourage you to contact us at New Directions for Women at www.www.newdirectionsforwomen.org or you can simply call our office or look us up on the web.

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