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Alumnae AssociationWe know addiction is a chronic, lifelong disease that our clients will be managing for the rest of their lives. Their lifelong recovery journey starts here, and that is why we have invested so deeply in our Alumnae Association. Over five thousand women have entered our doors, and there are pockets of our alumnae in every part of the country. We connect women who are discharging outside of Southern California to a Sister in Sobriety who has gone through New Directions for Women, is doing well in her recovery, and can serve as a sober contact who has ‘been there’.

Our Alumna Coordinator is vital to our Alumnae Processes. It is our belief that sobriety and recovery flourishes when we connect with one another and plant our roots firmly in a strong foundation. Another role our Alumna Coordinator serves is administering follow up surveys to clients at 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years after discharge so we can track outcomes through our Quality Improvement department, and stay in the loop with our recent graduates.

Every Thursday at 5:00 pm, we invite our Alumnae to return to where their journey began to have dinner with current women in the program. Following dinner, from 6:00 – 7:00 pm we have two meetings offered for our Alumnae to attend with the women in the program. In Founders, we have an AA meeting open to all women (childcare is offered). In Grace House, we have our Alumnae Al Anon meeting that is open to men and women. On the fourth Thursday of each month, we have birthday speaker meetings where birthdays are celebrated and we hear the speakers’ journey.

New Directions is a proud to be charter members of TPAS, the Treatment Providers Alumnae Services organization that was created to provide guidance to those in Alumnae Services throughout the country.



New Directions for Women is blessed to have an active Alumnae organization that supports the ongoing recovery of new members and current clients.  The Alumnae hosts many types of activities throughout the year and also meet regularly to help promote the camaraderie new members and clients begin while in treatment. By participating in the Alumnae organization, women learn that they can have a fun and fulfilling life in sobriety while giving back to others, the organization, the New Directions for Women Foundation.

Join our Alumnae Facebook page!


It’s a great way to keep in contact with your fellow sisters and stay updated on upcoming events.

If you have any questions contact us at 800-939-6636. If you are not receiving our e-blasts, please let us know and join our mailing list by emailing her, as well.

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