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Addiction and Mental Health Panel Held at Seabrook Community Center in New Hampshire

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Addiction and Mental Health Panel Held at Seabrook Community Center in New HampshireMore than 80 members of the New Hampshire state legislature and addiction and mental health experts came together at the Seabrook Community Center for the Integrated Systems of Care Legislative Summit. There were some keynote speakers, the panel of experts, and a presentation that was given by Dover Youth2Youth. The goal of the panel was to help experts and the community take a solution focused approach in the addiction and mental health arenas said Seacoast Online.

The discussions were mostly centered around, “discussing solutions to prevention, treatment, and recovery of substance use disorder and mental health needs.”

Tym Rourke, director of Substance Use Disorders Grand Making and Strategic Initiatives for the NH Charitable Foundation said, “You can’t talk about substance use without talking about mental health. Substance use and mental health disorders are childhood diseases. If we don’t intervene in childhood, we pay for it down the line.”

Other discussions included the ways in which we can address the risk factors associated with children and teenagers. Panelists highlighted that drinking and using drugs is often `glorified’ in the mainstream. Some of the ways they believe children can be helped is by providing peer support, parental support, and introducing connections to group involvement just to name a few.
The panel also included a `speed date’ type portion where panelists and experts were allowed to gather and share information with each other.
These panels are instrumental to facilitating and guiding discussions centered on addiction and mental health treatment. Members of the community were fortunate to gather together to share their ideas and to help break any stigma’s that are associated with addiction.

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