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Accountability in Addiction

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accountability and addiction

People who struggle with alcohol dependency experience great challenges in combating their addiction, every day. Accountability for alcohol dependency is the most challenging concern for those facing addiction from alcohol or drugs. One of the first steps that should occur is admitting that the addict has an addiction. The dependent often have trouble facing the people that have been affected by their alcohol use. Many times it is difficult to mend the pain that has been inflicted during the process of making amends. Nonetheless, taking these steps are critical in the journey towards long term recovery.

Real recovery can only occur when the addict begins to mend the hearts of the people that he or she has hurt during her active addiction. The addict must accept the actions that have occurred in their life as their own and begin to work repairing the wreckage of their past. This allows them to begin to rebuild the damages caused by their actions.  Today, singer/actor Selena Gomez admitted to having checked into a treatment center, she stated, “…it has become clear to me and those close to me that after many years of putting my work first, I need to spend some time on myself in order to be the best person I can be.” The bravery that Selena Gomez has demonstrated shows her commitment to repairing herself and holding herself accountable.

Individuals who are struggling with any kind of addiction can learn how to be accountable. It is only when this accountability occurs that their journey into lifelong recovery can begin. The word “accountability” is a key word when it comes to drug/alcohol dependency. The afflicted must be responsible for their actions in order to be successful in finding real sobriety. Equally, those closest to the dependent should be accountable and understand their own role in the identified patient’s addiction.

Rehabilitation programs often include educational lectures and lessons on how to be accountable with the disease of addiction. Being held responsible and learning about this issue is something that cannot always be handled by the affected individual alone, depending on the intensity and progression of their disease. Professional help by an addictions therapist or mental health professional may be needed so that the dependent will be able to grasp the full details of being accountable of his or her actions.

The best way to understand the term “accountability” when it comes to addiction is through group meetings and discussions. These discussions among therapists and peers enable a person to become more efficient in admitting their wrongs and seeing their own story reflected in others.

People who are suffering from any kind of substance addiction must seek proper care and treatment. Aftercare and alumnae services provide accountability, especially when the treatment center maintains surveys and outreach to each patient after they discharge to monitor their progress and participation in recovery activities (such as meeting with a sponsor, going to meetings, etc.)

A good rehabilitation program will aim to provide the tools necessary to manage the disease over a lifetime. Furthermore, programs aim to teach which attitudes can be modeled so that he or she will not succumb to relapse. The goals of these programs are to obtain lifelong recovery.

Accountability in rehabilitation programs is taught at an early stage of the program. The hope is that it will help the person achieve the right path towards recovery. This program is a necessity, and should be taken seriously by the affected individual. New Directions for Women is a treatment facility located in California that offers help to women, pregnant women, women with children and families who desire a similar result. Our caring admissions counselors are available 24/7 to take your call and answer any questions you may have on getting help. Reach us by phone at 800-93-WOMEN. We can help. Stay in the loop with New Directions for Women by connecting with us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

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