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Support for ALL Women Seeking Addiction Treatment

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At New Directions for Women, we are committed to serving all women – from all backgrounds, ages, and situations. There are many variables women and their families consider once they have made the decision to enter treatment for their substance use disorder. These include choices like:

Why Gender-Specific Treatment Could be the Best Choice for You

Group therapy at NDFW

Recovering from addiction with other women has been proven to be more effective long term than attending a co-ed rehab. Women have different needs than men, and addiction treatment modalities should reflect that. These distinctions stem from both biological and sociological differences.

Biologically, men and women have different hormones, body sizes and composition, and more. Women experience a phenomenon called telescoping, meaning they transition from misuse to dependence to addiction at a much faster pace than men. Although statistically more men have a substance use disorder (11.5%), women are more likely to go to the emergency room or overdose on drugs, and experience side effects such as heart and liver disease or stroke. On average, women weigh less than men, so alcohol and drugs have a greater effect, even if the quantity used is less than a man.

Sociologically, women bear the larger brunt of childcare responsibilities, experience more stigma as a result of their addiction (especially pregnant and parenting women), and have relationship dynamics in play. There are more sociological barriers for women who are seeking treatment, with childcare being the main one.

Women are also more likely to have trauma and PTSD, as social risks associated with addiction affect women disproportionately. In an all-female setting, women are more likely to share personal, intimate information which will help them recover. Unaddressed issues prevent successful recovery as the trauma of their past continues to fester.

How Does My Age Factor Into Addiction Treatment?

NDFW facilities

A woman’s stage of life directly impacts their addiction history and therefore, her treatment needs as well. At New Directions for Women, we have over forty years of experience serving all women, whether they are 18 years of age and finishing up high school, or a grandmother whose adult grandchildren are encouraging her to get the professional help they need to recover from addiction.

In general, younger women are less likely to hide their drug use and continue using even if they are facing legal problems or other conflicts. They are less likely to accept the need for treatment and accept their own behaviors are harmful. It is important that family members are supportive and involved in the holistic treatment plan, especially when young women are living at home with their families.

Typically, more mature women may develop an addiction to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism from the loss of loved ones or changes in their job status and income (i.e. retirement). Age-related changes, including hormonal changes, make women more sensitive to the effects of drugs and alcohol. Finally, older adults may have ongoing medical issues that compromise their overall health.

Understanding the Impact of Age in Regards to Addiction

It may be harder for individuals of various ages to understand each other’s experiences, so we also offer treatment programs for mature women and young Women process groups where they can discuss various issues directly related to their stage of life with peers. This is in addition to the treatment protocols that all women do together, including group and individual counseling, family sessions, and life skills.

We believe that having women of all ages come together with one common goal – recovery – is very beneficial. Young women can meet others who have struggled with addiction for decades, inspiring them to live the rest of their lives sober. Older women who struggle with addiction may experience loss of relationships with children or grandchildren. Being around young women can inspire them to seek sobriety to regain family relationships.

Support for All Women

Pregnant Women
Young Women
Mature Women
All Women

We Support ALL Women Seeking Treatment

We were founded on the principle of healing women with addictions in a gender-specific setting with dignity and grace. Unfortunately, women are more likely to experience shame and guilt around their addiction and wait longer to seek professional help which results in the rapid progression of their disease.

Woman laughing with her young daughterHere at New Directions for Women, we offer addiction treatment and support for ALL women. That includes:

When women reach out to our facility, our hope is that they find a compassionate and caring team that is ready to help them. If you are struggling with substance use disorder, please know that you do not have to continue fighting silently and alone. You can get the support and guidance you need today. Let us help you find healing here at New Directions.

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