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Understanding Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Adults

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If you’re a pregnant woman and you can’t stop drinking, you may have thought about fetal alcohol syndrome and how it can affect your growing baby. Unfortunately, FAS can impact your child from infancy through adolescence and into adulthood.  At New Directions for Women, we aim to provide you with the necessary information and support to understand the long-term effects of drinking during pregnancy on your unborn child.

What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is the most severe form of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs). It results from alcohol exposure during pregnancy and leads to a range of physical, cognitive, and behavioral impairments that persist throughout a person’s life. While FAS is often discussed in the context of childhood, its effects can be profoundly significant in adulthood.

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Symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Adults

Adults with FAS continue to experience many of the symptoms they faced as children, which can impact various aspects of their lives. Understanding these symptoms can help in recognizing the importance of preventing FAS by avoiding alcohol during pregnancy.

Physical Symptoms

Growth Deficiencies

Adults with FAS often exhibit stunted growth, remaining shorter and lighter than their peers throughout their lives. These growth deficiencies can affect their overall health and physical capabilities.

Facial Differences

Characteristic facial features of FAS persist into adulthood. These include a smooth philtrum (the area between the nose and upper lip), a thin upper lip, and small eye openings. These features are not just cosmetic but indicative of the prenatal alcohol exposure that caused the syndrome.

Coordination Problems

Coordination issues remain a significant challenge for adults with FAS. Difficulties with both fine and gross motor skills can impact daily activities and employment opportunities, limiting their ability to perform tasks that require precision or physical strength.

Cognitive and Academic Challenges

Learning Disabilities

Many adults with FAS continue to struggle with learning disabilities. These challenges can manifest as difficulties in reading, math, and comprehension, affecting their ability to pursue higher education and secure stable employment.

Attention Deficits

Attention deficits are common, making it hard for adults with FAS to focus, concentrate, and maintain attention on tasks. This can lead to challenges in both professional and personal settings, making it difficult to complete tasks, follow instructions, or stay organized.

Memory Issues

Short-term memory problems are prevalent among adults with FAS. These issues can interfere with their ability to remember instructions, facts, or steps in a process, impacting their job performance and daily functioning.

Behavioral and Social Difficulties


Impulsivity remains a frequent behavioral symptom. This tendency to act without thinking about the consequences can lead to risky behaviors, poor decision-making, and legal or disciplinary issues, affecting their overall quality of life.

Emotional Regulation

Managing emotions can be particularly difficult for adults with FAS. They often experience mood swings, irritability, and difficulty controlling their emotions. This lack of emotional regulation can lead to conflicts with peers, family members, and authority figures, exacerbating feelings of frustration and isolation.

Social Skills Deficits

Social interactions can be challenging due to deficits in social skills. Adults with FAS might have trouble understanding social cues, such as body language or tone of voice, leading to misinterpretations and awkward interactions. Maintaining friendships and relationships can be difficult, often resulting in social isolation and vulnerability to bullying or exploitation.

Other Potential Symptoms

Sensory Issues

Adults with FAS may experience hypersensitivity to light, sound, or touch and have difficulty with motor coordination.

Mental Health

Adults with FAS are at higher risk for substance abuse and mental health disorders.

Preventing Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: How New Directions for Women Can Help

If you are a pregnant woman struggling with alcohol dependency, it’s crucial to seek help to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome in your child. At New Directions for Women, we offer specialized programs tailored to support pregnant women in overcoming addiction. Our compassionate and experienced team provides a safe and nurturing environment to help you achieve sobriety.

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Our Approach

  • Medical Care: Regular health check-ups and medical support to ensure both you and your baby are healthy.
  • Therapeutic Interventions: Counseling and therapy to address underlying issues related to alcohol dependency.
  • Holistic Support: Nutritional guidance, physical activities, and mindfulness practices to support your overall well-being.

By addressing your unique needs and ensuring both you and your unborn child receive the best possible care, we can work together to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome and promote a healthy pregnancy and future. Reach out to New Directions for Women today, and take the first step towards a brighter, healthier tomorrow for you and your baby.

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