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Understanding Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Teenagers

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If you’re a pregnant woman and you can’t stop drinking, you may have thought about fetal alcohol syndrome and how it can affect your growing baby.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a severe form of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs), resulting from alcohol exposure during pregnancy and leading to a range of physical, cognitive, and behavioral impairments for the child. While FAS is often discussed in the context of young children, it can also have a significant impact during adolescence. A teenager with fetal alcohol syndrome may still have some symptoms which linger long after infancy.

pregnant teen

Symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Adolescence

Adolescence is a critical period marked by significant physical, emotional, and social transformations. For teenagers with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), this stage can be particularly challenging due to the variety of symptoms they experience. These symptoms can be categorized into physical, cognitive, and behavioral aspects, each of which can profoundly impact their development and daily lives.

Physical Symptoms

Growth Deficiencies

Teenagers with FAS often experience stunted growth, making them shorter and lighter than their peers. This discrepancy in growth can affect their self-esteem and social interactions, as they might feel different or left out among their age group. Growth deficiencies can also lead to difficulties in participating in physical activities that require strength and endurance.

Facial Differences

Characteristic facial features are a hallmark of FAS. These include a smooth philtrum (the area between the nose and upper lip), a thin upper lip, and small eye openings. These facial differences are not just cosmetic but are indicative of the prenatal alcohol exposure that caused the syndrome. These physical traits can sometimes lead to social stigma or bullying, further impacting the teenager’s social experiences.

Coordination Problems

Coordination issues are common with FAS in teens, affecting both fine and gross motor skills. Fine motor skills involve tasks like writing or buttoning a shirt, while gross motor skills include activities such as running or jumping. These coordination problems can make it difficult for teenagers to participate in sports and other physical activities, which are often a significant part of social life and personal development during adolescence.

Cognitive and Academic Challenges

Learning Disabilities

FAS in teens can cause them to struggle with various learning disabilities. These challenges can manifest as difficulties in reading, math, and comprehension. The need for special education services is common, as traditional educational settings might not adequately address their unique learning needs. Learning disabilities can make school a frustrating environment and hinder academic progress, which can affect future educational and career opportunities.

Attention Deficits

Attention deficits are another common issue, where teens with FAS have trouble focusing, concentrating, and maintaining attention on tasks. This can lead to challenges in both academic and daily activities, making it hard for them to complete assignments, follow instructions, or stay organized. Hyperactivity is often present as well, which can result in disruptive behaviors in the classroom and at home.

Memory Issues

Memory problems, particularly with short-term memory, are prevalent in teenagers with FAS. These issues can interfere with learning and retaining new information, making it challenging to remember instructions, facts, or steps in a process. Memory deficits can significantly impact academic performance and the ability to perform daily tasks independently.

Behavioral and Social Difficulties


Impulsivity is a frequent behavioral symptom in teenagers with FAS. This tendency to act without thinking about the consequences can lead to risky behaviors and poor decision-making. Impulsivity can affect various aspects of life, from academic performance to social interactions, and can sometimes result in legal or disciplinary issues.

Emotional Regulation

Managing emotions can be particularly difficult for teenagers with FAS. They often experience mood swings, irritability, and difficulty controlling their emotions. This lack of emotional regulation can lead to conflicts with peers, family members, and authority figures, and can exacerbate feelings of frustration and isolation.

Social Skills Deficits

Social interactions can be challenging for teenagers with FAS due to deficits in social skills. They might have trouble understanding social cues, such as body language or tone of voice, leading to misinterpretations and awkward interactions. Maintaining friendships can be difficult, often resulting in social isolation and vulnerability to bullying. These social challenges can significantly impact their self-esteem and mental health, making adolescence a particularly tough period.

How New Directions for Women Can Help

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At New Directions for Women, we understand the immense challenges and pressures that come with pregnancy, especially if you are struggling with alcohol dependency. If you find yourself unable to stop drinking during pregnancy, know that you are not alone, and we are here to help. Our compassionate and experienced team offers specialized programs tailored to support pregnant women in overcoming addiction. Through a combination of medical care, therapeutic interventions, and holistic support, we provide a safe and nurturing environment to help you achieve sobriety. By addressing your unique needs and ensuring both you and your unborn child receive the best possible care, we can work together to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome and promote a healthy pregnancy and future. Reach out to New Directions for Women today, and take the first step towards a brighter, healthier tomorrow for you and your baby.

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