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90-Day Addiction Treatment Women

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90-Day Addiction Treatment Women

Alcohol or drug addiction in women is a chronic disease. However, with programs like a 90 day addiction treatment for women, the disease can be treated which will leave you or your loved one with a healthier and sober life.

Recovery can be obtained only if the woman is willing to submit herself to the different treatments that are proven to help people in this kind of situation, such as the 12 Steps and experiential therapies. Centers for alcohol or drug rehabilitation aim to help people understand their situation. Furthermore, centers for rehabilitation also consider the family members of the individual, for they know that the impact of the addiction does not only affect the individual, but the entire family as well.

When choosing a center for alcohol or drug rehabilitation for women, you must make sure to check the following:

1.    If they have the capability of treating the disease chronically

2     If they have programs specifically designed for women who are alcoholics or drugs.

3.    If their main goal is to attain long term recovery (and not a short term fix)

4.   If they are knowledgeable about the different triggering factors most women can have, which can cause relapse

5.  If they take time in educating the affected individual, as well as the family members. Addiction is a problem that affects the addict but the family surrounding them as well.

6.   If they devote time in teaching mothers on how to spend time with her children.

These are just some of the factors you should be looking for in a center, if you wish to help someone recover from an addiction.

More often than not, 90 day rehabilitation programs for mothers who are suffering from alcoholism or using prohibited drugs, help find a solution to their addiction problems. The program is quite complete with all the necessary treatments needed by women in order to fight the addiction. Treatments may include (but are not limited to) individual therapies, controlled meals, medication, stress management, prevention therapies, case assessment and management, and more.

A 90 day addiction treatment for women requires that the individual remain in the facility for the entire duration of the program. This helps find a place that is conducive to recuperation. There are times for Family Group, so family members can participate in treatments that will promote good family bonding. This will greatly help the entire family strengthen their family bonds and continue to support one another during even the most difficult of times.

At New Directions for Women we have been transforming lives for years and understand what it takes to make a lasting change. Call us today for more information on how we can help:  800.939.6636. Or, simply fill out the contact form on the right side of this page.

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