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60-Day Addiction Treatment Pre-Natal

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The overall effects of an unborn child exposed to prohibited drugs and alcohol are numerous.  Scientific studies have proven that immediate and long-term effects like low birth weight, birth defects, abnormalities, and even death are some of the effects a baby can suffer when the mother is taking drugs or alcohol while she is pregnant. A good solution to help pregnant women with drug or alcohol addictions is a 60-day addiction treatment program. Such programs are designed to help mothers who have taken or are still taking drugs like cocaine, heroin, inhalants, marijuana, MDMA, methamphetamine, nicotine, and more, and to stop the addiction and immediately work on their health not just for her, but for the baby too.

The prenatal drug or alcohol exposure can cause long term effects to the baby. That is why mothers should be aware that taking these are extremely helpful, and that they should seek help if they know that the addiction is something they cannot conquer themselves.

People around the expectant mother should be supportive and must advise her that she should take the necessary steps in order prepare for a sober life, a healthier life, and a normal life for her soon to be born child.

To give you an idea of the different kinds of proven effects of alcohol and drugs on the unborn child, please see the different information below:

Alcohol Effects To The Unborn Child

  • There is an increased chance of being premature
  • Low birth weight
  • Poor eyesight
  • Poor hearing abilities
  • Poor motor skills abilities
  • Difficulty in paying attention
  • May develop congenital diseases and abnormalities
  • Lack of control
  • Death

Drug Effects To The Unborn Child

  • Low birth weight
  • Problems with behavior
  • Poor cognitive skills
  • Impaired language
  • Poor learning skills
  • Growth restriction
  • Decreased arousal

These are just some of the side effects that a baby may experience for life if a mother continues with her addiction.

Fortunately, help is available. There are groups that are actually dedicated in helping mothers fight their addiction in the fastest time possible. A 60-day program for rehabilitation is available, wherein mothers will be asked to comply with medications given by health professionals, so that the complication may be pacified as soon as possible, before anything gets worse for the mother and the unborn child.

Behavioral treatments are also given, to ensure that the mother is well educated with the proper care that she should be providing, but this will be under the supervision of the professional to make sure that the mother is doing everything that is according to plan.

Last but not least, most 60-day addiction treatments for pre-natal women will also focus on the anxiety or depression disorder of the mother, which can be a triggering factor for her to continue with her addiction, even if she knows that she is already expecting a child.

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