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12 Step Meetings for Women in Costa Mesa, CA

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12 Step Meetings for Women in Costa Mesa, CA

If you are looking to find the best 12 Step meetings for women in Costa Mesa, then you have come to the right place! At New Directions for Women we take pride in transforming lives. We offer various meetings on our campus, and one is a Women’s Only Brown Bag meeting every Wednesday at   12pm. It’s located at 2607 Willo Lane, Costa Mesa CA 92627.

12 Step meetings may have a leader that picks a topic and each woman has a chance to share if they choose to. Listening to other members share their stories helps newer people relate and identify. It helps them see that they too can recover. Members will also make friends and develop a support group that they can turn to when times get rough. Some women might have tried several approaches already or made attempts to stop their addiction on their own, but have failed.

If you live around the Costa Mesa area, and you need to find meetings that can help you with your addiction problems, we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous both have websites with meeting directories. You can view the AA directory here: https://www.oc-aa.org/directory/meetings.asp?day=Sunday&city=BREA and the NA one here: https://www.orangecountyna.org/meetings.html .  The Costa Mesa area is a haven for recovery, and has numerous meetings held at churches, civic centers, rehab centers and AA clubs.

When choosing a meeting to attend, keep in mind that there are many different 12 step programs for different addictions. While Alcoholics Anonymous has the most meetings in our area, there are meetings dealing with specific drugs of choice as well. There is Marijuana Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Crystal Meth Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous and countless others.

More often than not, the different treatment centers in Costa Mesa will have meetings in their facility open to women that are not residents in their program. That way the women that live in the treatment centers have the benefit of hearing women who have already been through treatment or have been clean for awhile.

New Directions for Women specializes in helping women of all ages, pregnant women in any trimester, and women with children from all walks of life live free of addiction. To learn more, call New Directions for Women today at 800-939-6636 or fill out the contact form on the right.

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